Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tote Bags

I love tote bags. In fact, it's more like an addiction.  I mean after all, you can't have too many tote bags.  I've been using  resuable tote bags for about 20 years.  I really dislike plastic bags.  At, first I just bought my bags.  You know, whatever the store had hanging up on display.  As the bags started to wear, I thought, why don't I just make my own.  I can use whatever fabric and print I want to make them unique.  I use them for all sorts of things.   Going to the grocery store, the library, post office, pool, and so much more.  Here are 2 that I recently made.  They are also reversible.  I will be making more and posting in my Etsy store.
My Shop

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