Friday, May 17, 2019

Still Here!

Hey everyone.  I am still here. I've been busy working on some birthday gifts for my nephew and 2 nieces.  I am also working on setting up a shop on Etsy.  It's taking a big longer as I would rather be sewing than taking photos, downloading them to my laptop and adding them to my shop.  Hopefully, I will have some things up in the next couple of days.  I'm hoping my wonderful daughter would be willing to take some photos for me.  She loves photography and does a way better job than I do, which she loves to remind me of that, lol.

I decided to take the next step in selling my items from Justina.  I've only known her since February but she has been a huge supporter of my projects.  Every time she sees some thing new I created, she's like, you have to sell these.  So, I will jump in and see where it takes me.  I would like to just be able to support my sewing addiction, ha! ha! and to able to donate to my community.   So, please bear with me and as soon as I have my store up and running, you will be the first to know.  

Have a great weekend.  Hopefully, we will have a relatively dry weekend where I am.  So far this year, we've had like 61 days of rain this year and had over 17 inches of rain which is around 4 inches more than our average to date.  

Road course, with built in parking stoage for the cars.  My nephew's birthday gift.

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