Monday, May 17, 2021

Period Poverty: Part 3

     Our final part of this series.

    So to recap, let's look at some differences between disposable and reusable menstrual pads


Reusable:  cost effective.  The upfront cost may be around $100 or so but this will last for years so you will save a lot long term.

Environmental Friendly: these will last for years and when you need to throw them out, they are biodegradable. 

Soft Fabric: made with soft, breathable fabric.  Therefore less skin irritations, sweating and chafing.

Custom sizeable:  there are many different styles, lengths and coverage.   Plus, there are some fun prints and patterns.


Convenient: easily accessible and toss when done.

Lower upfront cost: pay each month



they need to be washed, and may require extra care like a rinse or soak before washing.  Some people find this the worst part.


Contains chemicals that may harm skin.  Can cause serious health complications as infections, cramping and heavier blood flow.

Harmful to the environment:  Synthetic materials that do not biodegrade.

Higher cost in the long term.

Homeless women would still do best to use disposables because they may lack the water and detergent to wash them.  As well as some in shelters.  But, many women and girls would benefit greatly by using reusables.  I would like to reach out to my local schools in my county to see if there is a need for girls who may lack the supplies they need each month.  Are school nurses or trusted teachers being asked for these items on a regular and daily basis?  We could then make samples to show them to see how well they will be received.  Which brings me to this.  I would like to start a group that would make these to donate to the schools.   Not everyone has to be a sewer.  We could use people to cut out the patterns, iron the fabric, turn right side out,  put on the snaps, etc.  We could have people donate supplies, which really are not that expensive.  Flannel,  terry cloth, cotton, blizzard fleece and snaps.  We could also make some drawstrings bags to place the items in.  We could make kits with an assortment of pads,  2 lights, 4 mediums, 3 heavy and an overnight as an example.   They will then be donated to the schools.

The burden of period poverty has been placed on my heart for several years.  I will continue  to help girls not miss any more school because of not having supplies.  If anyone would like more information, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Here are 2 examples of the drawstring totes for the kits.

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