Tuesday, June 18, 2019

2nd Etsy Sale

Hey everyone!  How is your summer going?  We are into our 2nd full week of summer vacation and it has been a long 2 weeks.  It doesn't help that the weather hasn't been cooperating either.  It's been rainy and chilly for the most part.  But, on a positive  note, I had my 2nd sale on Etsy.  I had a customer ask if I could make her 7 zipper pouches in a Minnie Mouse print.  I only had 2 for sale and  I was also out of the fabric.  So, what did I say?  I said yes I could!  I went to the fabric store, purchased more fabric and went to work.  I whipped them up and shipped them 2 days later!  I also get nervous when I make something for someone.  I'm always afraid it won't be good enough for them.  But today, I got my first review on Etsy.  A 5 star rating.  I am super excited!!!!!
I whipped up some aprons the last couple of days.  One of them will be entered into the Lebanon Area Fair in July.  My daughter was in the Garden Club at her school from 3-5th grade and they were allowed to enter flowers/plants/vegetables in the fair.  That got us hooked.  So while my daughter is going into 9th grade and no longer in the garden club, we still enter the fair.  Anything from paintings, recycled/upcycled crafts, crochet, sewing projects, and yes, even plants and vegetables.  We both have received ribbons though mine are mainly  2-4th place. Never a 1st place.  But there is always this year, lol!  Hannah has more ribbons than me and even a 1st place ribbon or two.  It's nice to win ribbons but it's really cool that thousands of people see our work on display.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

First Sale!!!

So excited!!!! I just had my first sale on Etsy.  Someone purchased one of my cinch sac backpacks.  Pete the Cat will have a new home.  Here's hoping this is the first of many  more sales to come.

I've been making fabric baskets.  I love them!  I have a bunch in my sewing room to hold my accessories.  I make them from denim jeans and cotton fabric.  They are so cute!  Well, I think so anyway, lol.  I will be putting these up on my Etsy shop.  I have a bunch in my sewing room.  They hold chalk, wonder clips and other small accessories.
I made these for the girls in our Girl Scout troop.  It held the badges
they earned for this year.  I added stickers to them with the letter of
their first name so I knew who got what basket.

Monday, June 3, 2019


The sewing bug has hit my daughter!  It's so exciting for me.  I have to contain my excitement though or she might just stop.  You know how 14 year olds  are, lol!  She is making them personalized or non-personalized.  Whatever you choose.   There are 2 samples, 1 shows personalization and the other does not.  Price is $10 for personalized and $8 for plain.  She hand sews all of  her pillows.  Please, allow about a week for her to complete a pillow.  The size is approx. 11x11 inches and may vary slightly.  The other photos show some fabric that is already cut up and ready to be sewn.  She personalizes them first before starting the pillow.
Sample with personalization

Sample without personalization

Fabric ready to be made into a pillow

Fabric ready to be made into a pillow

Fabric ready to be made into a pillow

Fabric ready to be made into a pillow