Thursday, August 22, 2019

Sewing Room Favorites

For those who sew, I have a few tips for you to make sewing more fun and less stressful.  First, pin cushions.  At first I only had 1.  I would pin my fabric at my cutting table, then proceed to the sewing machine and when I would take out the pins as I was sewing, I had no where to put them.  I would have to get up and move my pin cushion to the sewing machine.  Sometimes, I would be ironing seams and would need to pin and I'd have to look for my pin cushion.  I now have five pin cushions.  One is at my ironing board, 1 at my sewing machine and on my cutting tables.  Now where ever I am at, I have a pin cushion.  It saves a lot of time not having to get up from my machine and go looking for a pin cushion.

Next are my fabric baskets.  They are so useful.  I have 2 for my wonder clips.  One at my cutting table and another at my sewing machine.  I have one that holds pens, one for hot glue sticks and another for regular glue sticks.  They are fun to make and so cute!  There are so many uses for these around the home.  You can even put them in your car to hold spare change, phone chargers or trash.  I love making them out of old jeans.  It gives the basket more structure than just using all cotton fabric.